The Sounds of …

Something woke me from a deep sleep last night. The kind of sound that brings you instantly from unconsciousness to awareness quicker than a Porsche cruising the Autobon.  “What noise is that?” you ask. The unmistakable retching of a dog getting ready to vomit in your bed.

Our dog Schatzi (a Dorky-part Dachsund, part Yorkshire Terrier) is not allowed on the bed when we first go to sleep. But she has learned over the years that if she waits until my husband is well situated in La-la Land she can whine by his side and he will pick her up and place her on the bed without ever waking up. Such was the case last night. We went to sleep-no dog on bed. At 3:00 a.m.- dog gettting ready to hurl. Fortunately, I woke in time to avoid complete disaster.

It got me thinking about sounds. What are the sounds that bring you to instant attention, maybe with worry or fear? Glass breaking? A door slamming when you’re home alone? A siren in the night when you’re kids are still out with friends?

But not all memorable sounds are those that invoke fear.  Are there sounds that bring you joy? Nothing brings a smile to me quicker than the belly laugh of a baby. That deep chuckle of pure happiness a child gets over the silliest of things.

Is there a sound that brings you peace? I know for me the sound of ocean waves crashing against the shore gives me an immediate sense of God’s presence. Any tension I carry gets washed away with the pounding surf.

So what are the sounds of your life? The ones that bring you fear? Joy? Peace? Drop me a line and let me know. I’d love to see what makes you tick.

p.s.- My dog  Schatzi would tell you that her favorite sound is the siren call of lunchmeat cellophane!

11 Replies to “The Sounds of …”

  1. I personally find instant happiness in the sound of the garage door opening in the evening 🙂 It means that Steven is home 🙂 LoVe that sound!!

    And I love the sound of a nice spring rain with low rolling thunder…very relaxing and tranquil to me…reminds me of the country for some reason…could totally fall asleep to that sound 🙂

  2. My Riley & my Michael both have the most wonderful belly laughs that bring me instant joy. The sound of their fighting brings almost instant anxiety. The sound of a whining child in a store use to irritate me instantly, but then I had a few of my own and was immediately humbled by their whining in stores and the gracious looks of other shoppers who have been there, done that. Michael crying puts fear in me because he has a reputation to uphold, is tough as nails and never cries. The sound of my phone receiving a text around lunch time during the week brings me great joy, sometimes trepidation depending on what it says, because it means my daughter, almost 16, is reaching out to mom from school. She says it brings her great comfort and that brings me such joy. I much happier to hear most sounds in the morning than at night when I’m tired.

    I love your blogs, Kimmy girl :).

  3. That garage door sound must be popular—exactly what I was thinking! 🙂

    I also love the sound of coffee brewing…especially if there’s a cup or two in the pot with my name on it…. 😀

  4. I worried at first when the High School started to allow texting in school but I love to get those messages from Annie as well during the day. Of course, Ian wasn’t too happy when she texted him at 7 a.m. while he was still on vacation with “I can text in school now. WAKE UP! WAKE UP!”

  5. Loons on the lake, the hoot of an owl, coyotes yipping and howling out in the cranberry bogs. The latter causes me a moments pause for the animal being hunted, but the sound is so cool.

  6. You gotta love little sisters! 🙂 I hate the texts in the middle of the day, though, because at my house, those texts mean, “I hate this place–get me outta here!” instead of the “I’m having a great day. How about you, Mom?” kind of texts. *sigh*

  7. I didn’t know y’all had coyotes out on the cranberry bogs!! I don’t remember too many coyotes growing up in CT. Have they recently migrated to New England?

  8. That melodious rumble of my Harley-Davidson…
    That calming repetitive sound of the bolt racking another round into the chamber on my machine gun…
    These are a few of my favorite things…

    Yeah, I know I’m sick… but I’m happy!

  9. Agreed, one of the worst sounds is the dog hurking on the bed, in the back seat, or anywhere at night. One of my favorite sounds is the quiet that is 4:30 in the morning.

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