
I went to a Christmas party last Friday night where the topic of traditions was discussed. It’s funny how certain things get so ingrained into our heads at a young age that to stray from them would mean the end of the world. Okay, maybe not the end of the world, but certainly a major jolt in the whole space time continuum.

My family has a certain unwritten check-list that must be adhered to before Christmas can arrive. The movies “The Christmas Story” and “Scrooge” must be watched-the first as close to Thanksgiving as possible and the second  preferably on Christmas Eve. The book “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” must be read aloud with all of us yelling “Behold! Unto you a child is born!” ala Gladys Herdman at the end of the story.

We’re allowed to open one present after attending Christmas Eve service. That gift is always a set of new jammies. That way, we all look nice for pictures on Christmas morning. We also stay in said jammies throughout Christmas day. The one time we had to make a trip to the ER to suture up my husband’s thumb, I thought my daughter’s heart was going to break, and she didn’t even have to get dressed!

Traditions have a way of centering the holiday for us. It’s not necessarily the movies that are important, or the books that we read, it’s the time we spend together as a family-reconnecting during this hectic, crazy month and remembering Christmases past. There’s a sense of timelessness passed down with our traditions which is appropriate during this holiday. After all, isn’t that what Christmas is all about? Celebrating the timeless gift of our Savior, Jesus Christ, who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

What traditions help you and your family celebrate Christmas? Drop me a line and let me know!

6 Replies to “Traditions”

  1. Kim,

    Like you, we have movies that we watch… Suzanne will continue to object, but we wait until after Thanksgiving to watch “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”, and then I watch “The Nativity Story” on Christmas Eve, just before midnight services. When the boys are around, I also read from James Finn Garners “Politically Correct Holiday Stories,” most notably, “Twas the Night Before Solstice.” Suzanne and I also started a new tradition, buying a new tree ornament each year…

    Years ago, the boys and I would hang Christmas ornaments on the tree, talking about where each one came from… we don’t do that so much any more, though…

  2. I try and buy the kids a new ornament every Christmas as well. Something that has something to do with their year. We’ve had lots of skates, a football, trains and Pooh bears. Just take a guess what this year’s ornaments might be!

  3. Love it! I especially love the new jammies on Christmas Eve. I already wrote about some Christmases past on NWW, as for traditions… I personally like to watch While you were Sleeping,& A Christmas Story. I’ll have to look up some of the one’s you suggested.

  4. I consider after the Thanksgiving meal to be “after Thanksgiving.” I think that’s the perfect time to watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

    My favorite tradition is singing Silent Night at the end of the Christmas Eve service while lighting our individual candles, and then leaving the service in silence.

  5. Hi Kim – great post! When I was growing up, we used to know that Santa had come if we found a tangerine in our beds on Christmas morning. I thought everyone did this, and was surprised when I found out that most people had never heard of it before! It came from my dad’s side of the family. He grew up in New Hampshire, and I think it’s a New England thing. I’ve continued that tradition on with my own kids. Our Santa brings clementines, however. 🙂

    Your jammies tradition reminds me of something that my sister Amy’s church in Ohio does. Whenever Christmas falls on a Sunday, the church members wear pajamas to church that day. My mom was visiting the last time that happened, and she said it was really fun. I love that idea!

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!!

  6. I love the idea of having church in your jammies! Some of my Bible Study friends actually talked about doing that once, I think it would be fun! My dad’s family always got an orange in their stocking, but dad didn’t pass the tradition down to us.
    I hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas as well!

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