Come Awake!

The title for this week’s blog comes from Matt Maher’s beautiful song “Christ is Risen!” In it Maher calls us to “Come Awake, come awake! Come and rise up from the grave!”

Today these lyrics hit me in a number of different ways because of phone call. My sister’s father-in-law died last week. I had known him well as I grew up down the street from him and often played with his youngest son. As the family grieves their loss I am praying that they can be consoled by the knowledge that even at the moment of death Christ was calling out to their father, “Come awake! Come awake! Come and live with me in paradise!”

But this morning I am feeling the call in my own life. “Come awake! Come and rise upĀ from the grave!” Not the grave of the dead but of the sleep of this world. I admit, I’ve been holding on tight to the dreams and aspirations of this life. I want success as a writer, I want to rennovate my house, I want a thinner body and less wrinkles. I want, I want, I want.

I feel as though that phone call last week woke me out of a nightmare. I’ve come awake and I don’t have to continue the dream. I can chose to change my focus. I pray my eyes might be open to the needs around me and that I have the courage to step out of my comfort zone to help those that God puts in my life.

I also pray that whoever reads this might be reminded that our life here is fleeting and temporary. Take a moment to tell those around you that you love them. Forgive old wounds while there’s still time. Give a hug, make a phone call, write a note…before it’s too late.

4 Replies to “Come Awake!”

  1. So true, Kim. I feel the same way. I want, I want. I feel like such a selfish little person when I consider these things. I don’t pray for them usually. I pray for the important things, the people I love, the people in trouble financially… the people who are sick, out of work. The people in Japan right now… it really humbles me to the power of mother nature. But still I find myself, that little voice constantly talking the things I want.. more than I pray.

  2. Kim, this is exactly the season I’m in—coming awake and focusing on the truly important issues of life even as I navigate the murky waters of grieving my brother’s death. Thank you for this reminder.

  3. I think it’s part of our human nature to hear that voice. We’re bombarded by the world around us with ways to satisfy our selfish desires. Our culture tells us to take care of our own needs first before helping others. You’ve definitely hit on the key to overcoming this problem tho, and that’s prayer!

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