The year I’ve been dreading is upon me. 2012.
No, I’m not concerned with the Mayan Calendar prediction of doomsday, instead, the role I’ve happily carved out for myself as mom will alter dramatically this year.
My baby will graduate from high school.
More than likely my husband and I will become empty nesters by the end of the year when our daughter goes to college and our son gets an apartment on his own.
And so my only New Year’s Resolution this year is to slowly let go. I don’t want to be a helicopter mom, hovering over my grown kids lives. Instead, I want to be a lighthouse. A beacon that constantly shines, in good times and in bad, to let my children know they are loved.
I may call out a warning in stormy nights, but a lighthouse doesn’t leave the land it sits on. Instead, it lets the ship navigate the rough waters on its own. In good weather the lighthouse serves as a reminder that there is a safe harbor available if you want to come in from your journey and rest.
It will be a process, this letting go, but I resolve to start building up the foundation of my lighthouse so that I can stand tall and strong when the time comes to let my kids sail out on their own. A foundation built on the love we have for each other and the faith that God will protect them when they are out of my sight.
Well said, Kim. Years ago, while on a family vacation, I took a tour of a lighthouse in Washington.I learned alot about lighthouses because of it. One of the reasons that I became fascinated with them…lighthouses are all individual. They have a separate beacon system set up. Maybe, one long burst, one short, whatever, but they are individual. That way, ships could help navigate because they knew each lighthouse signal. Your kids will also know that their mom is alike other moms in many ways, but also separate and individual.
I view my mom as you described. Last Thursday, I went over and talked to her for about 10 minutes, told her all my problems, not that she could solve them, but it helped talking to my mom. It always does. You will be the same. Good luck this year… you may enjoy this time, more than think.
Shalom, my friend
Rhonda H.
And this is the kind of writing that makes me want to be you when I grow up. Nicely done!
:*) Tear
Great read! And you ARE a lighthouse! And a great friend indeed! 🙂
Thank you my friend.
Cher- I know you feel what I’m going through. I see many long talks over Chai and coffee in our future!
Thanks Rhonda!