So, one of the things I’ve decided to do for the new year is NOT blog. Instead, I’ll do a monthly update of what my goals are for the month and what I’ve accomplished writing wise. Basically, this site will no longer be a blog but an informational site where readers of my work can get an idea about what I’m working on next.
For January:
I’m waiting for the contract from Thriving Family for my next two reviews- The Scarlet Pimpernel and Pretty Little Liars #1. I had fun reading The Scarlet Pimpernel, PLL– not so much. I marveled that people actually wanted to watch that kind of trash, I’m sadder still to think it was so popular they needed to have books to further the moral down slide.
On the fiction front, I’d like to have my finished draft of Woman of Flames ready to go by the end of the month. I keep setting goals to get it done and then life events squash my muse. This time, God willing, I will prevail. I also hope to get back to writing the third novel in my YA trilogy.