It happened just the other day. I felt myself freezing in panic. My chest tightened, my lungs couldn’t expand. I leaned against the kitchen counter and tried to get myself under control.
What had caused this anxiety attack?
Plain and simple fear of the unknowns in life.
For a minute I let myself be consumned by all the negative things that could happen to my well-ordered world. I started dwelling on the “what ifs” and lost all sense of God’s providence and His desire to give the best to His children.
In no mood to face the world I still forced myself to get in my car and drive to work. Along the way, I put on some praise songs and let my heart cry out to the Lord. Just help me to know you’re in control. Help me see that you care!
A friend met me in the parking lot. She handed me a gift bag. “I got you something.”
I stared at it. “Why?”
“I found these over the weekend. I bought one for me and my daughter. I thought you might like one too.”
I pulled out a small box. God’s Heart was stamped in gold letters along the top. Inside was a beautiful silver bracelet. Gold and silver letters spelled out G O D in the shape of a heart.
I cried.
God had spoken to my friend’s heart and moved her to buy this gift for me, knowing that several days later I would treasure the assurance it gave me that He is in control and loves me.
I pray that God would give you such a moment this week. A random act of kindness or uplifting word that would bless your heart and convince you of His unending love for you.