The New Year Roars!

I thought March was the month that comes in like a lion, but this January has pounced on me like a wild animal as well. And me, without a whip or chair to keep it under control.

My first indication chaos had arrived came with the addition of two new puppies to our family. Maizey and Ollie arrived shortly before Christmas and haven’t stopped moving since. I am completely outnumbered by adorable four-legged cuteness. Instead of being distracted by shiny things, I now find myself saying, “Look at the fluffy!”


The pressure has started to market Woman of Flames. It’ s been difficult for my self-conscious personality to think of nice things to say about me. But I came up with several marketing pamphlets to hand out and have gotten my book on the shelves of the local Christian bookstore. I also participated in a local authors fair and had my first book signing.


The Sump Library in LaVista, NE did an awesome job arranging this event which included a panel of authors discussing their experiences with self-publishing. I had a wonderful time meeting with new people and even sold 11 books! Now that my toes have been dipped into the proverbial water, I’m ready to book a couple more signings around town.

I’ve also got my work cut out for me, preparing to speak at a woman’s retreat this spring and starting to write a new Biblical short novella that I’ll offer free for eBooks. Not to mention the two YA novels I hope to finish soon as well. And then there’s still the puppies who demand my attention at all hours of the day or else they chew every shoe, sock, and chair into which they can sink their tiny teeth.

I’m guessing this is my new “normal” and I’ll just have to get used to the faster pace and spastic balls of fur. As crazy as this month has already been, I’m excited for the upcoming year and all that God has in store for me.